Monday, November 5, 2012



Link to The Beading Gem's Journal

Wire Knitz $25 Gift Certificate Giveaway and Free Jewelry Tutorials

Posted: 05 Nov 2012 05:12 AM PST

I knit with wire. Sometimes I must admit using wire on fine metal needles makes me clench my teeth! It also takes a long time to complete a project. That's what happened to Norma Melton, the creator of WireKnitz who made a knitted wire cuff to showoff some beach glass.  She was convinced there had to be a better way than to spend hours and hours on a project.

Wheelz Bracelet by Angela Davis
So lots of product development time later, she came up with a highly colored copper based tubular metal mesh for jewelry and other fine art applications. It is an incredibly versatile one as the mesh can be easily folded, stretched, twisted, stitched, shaped, woven and so on as well as combined with beads and other components.

Talk about fast!  It literally takes a few minutes to cut a tube and fold over the raw ends to create a basic rolled cuff!

Rolled Cuff Tutorial
I first stumbled onto WireKnitz via Eva Sherman's Etsy store Grand River BeadsnWire.  Eva loved WireKnitz so much when she discovered it herself that she now carries in her own jewelry store in Rocky River, Ohio.  BTW she teaches classes there too.

Cinched Cuff Tutorial by Norma Melton

Eva confessed she "traded in her architectural career, as well as her bank account for the opportunity to spend all her time among beads."  It is not surprising given her previous career that she like WireKnitz so much because the material allows all sorts of sculptural manipulations.

Pinwheel Flower Brooch Tutorial by Eva Sherman
WireKnitz comes in different widths and density of mesh so do ask Eva if you are not sure about the types.

Shown here are some wonderful examples from the WireKnitz gallery and tutorial page.  Eva demonstrates how to make a ruffled flower adorned cuff in this video tutorial.  She also shows how snap fasteners are attached with a special tool.  I couldn't get a clear shot of the finished cuff so you'll have to see the video!

My most favorite thing about this product is the ability to make a Viking knit style piece in next to no time! There are a couple ways to go about it.  The first is Norma's wrap around a dowel method.

Convertibles Bracelet or Choker Tutorial by Norma Melton
The second method which uses no dowel is shown in Eva's video tutorial. Her pseudo Viking knit necklace has a Unicorn lamp work bead and it took her just over 5 minutes to make it. It takes way longer to make a true Viking knit necklace!  So if you don't have the inclination or the time for doing Viking knit necklace, check out Wireknitz.

Here is a chance to win some WireKnitz from Eva's Etsy store (or her physical store if you live close) so you can come up with your own unique creations.

Please make a comment below. Make sure you leave contact info if you do not have an online shop or blog.

Subscribers need to click on the post title to come to my actual blog. Scroll down and enter your comment. Pick Name/URL. If you don't have a store or blog, leave the URL blank. Please leave an email at the very least so I can contact you easily if you win.

This giveaway is international.

Extra entries if you become or are a blog subscriber or follower etc. If you also do shout outs about this giveaway, those will count as additional entries too! Please say so in the comments.

It ends in a week's time at 6 pm EST Monday, November 12, 2012. I will pick the winner randomly and announce the results as soon as possible after. So be sure to leave a contact email if you don't have an online link or make sure you come back and check! Otherwise I will redraw in a week. Good luck!

Before You Go:
Original Post by THE BEADING GEM
Jewelry Making Tips - Jewelry Business Tips 

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